how it works

  • Book service

    Select from our wide range of services on web/mobile app, review prices, set location, date, time and payment mode as per your convenience.

  • Service Delivery

    Our service experts will contact you for any additional information and will be there at the scheduled time. Sit and relax while our expert delivers the service.

  • Complete Payment & Leave Feedback

    On completion of service, pay via the selected payment mode, and a email will be sent. We would highly appreciate if you can leave your feedback.

USCLAP Services mobile app is available on Android and iOS platform with all service features like on-demand and scheduled service booking, rate chart, online shopping, city specific services for Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur, Bangalore, Kozhikode, Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi.


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USCLAP Services

Established in 2018, USCLAP Services is the leading Air Conditioner Repair and Service Provider of Split Air Conditioner, Window Air Conditioner and much more. The offered Services can be customized as per the specification provided by our customers. Bonded & Insured Licensed Company.

Our Services

  • Appliance Maintenance
  • Home Appliance Service And Repairing
  • Home Maintenance
+91 9429690573